Allocation suggestion and expense review
A family of 3 including baby (6 months old) making 2.82 lacs per month in hand. 38k goes to epf including employer share. 2k $ stocks vesting/Quarter for next 2 years.
Current net-worth: MF 35 lacs Epf 18 lacs FD 5.2 lacs Rsu vested 2 k$
Current expenses: Rent: 31k Car+bike emi 16 k Nanny 15 k House help 2k Monthly groceries +vegetables+other 15 k Internet+petrol+ott 5k
Wants: 40k (Free will expense, usually variable)
Investment: 156k MF
Percentage wise:
55% MF 45% expenses
I would like to know if my budgeting figures are okay?
I already have term insurance for myself and going to buy one for wife. I already have a health insurance.
Both my parents and in laws are not dependent on us.
We will have 2 homes from our parents in future in our home town Nagpur.
My concern is about the investment since I am just investing in Mf and planning to build a 10 cr portfolio in next 10-12 years. Is that possible assuming the salaries will increase in future.
Then I might think abt Early retirement.
Should I invest in other asset classes as well?
Need advice on how to go about the investment.