Nagas, what the hell is wrong with u guys? Where is that famed warrior spirit of Nagas when it is required the most? Did u guys lose all of ur warrior genetic memory?
If Bangladesh or China were to invade Northeast India, would you be prepared to wage a war to reclaim defend your homeland?
If Bangladesh or China were to invade Northeast India/Assam would you be prepared to wage a war to reclaim defend your homeland?
What Did Your Elders Say About the 1950 Assam Earthquake?
Who all know about this flag
20.6% vegetarian in Assam seems like the no. is inflated
Weirdest NE names you have ever heard?
When will Assamese get implemented like this? Only state boards have gotten it
What do you have to say about this?
I thought tripura has its own language untill I saw this
Did the meitei clans used their own designed sword as an primary weapon in battle or did they used lanthang more commonly in battle?
🧬NE guys you need to unlock your genetic Potential 🧬.READ THOROUGHLY [ Height Edition ]🧍♂️⬆️
Huge investments coming in for Assam
Seriously asking how common is this Phenotype among the Assamese Ahoms though.?
Map Showing Northern and Southern Nagas
Bengali Person Claiming Kamarupa is Bengali ,What's Next Ahom kingdom is Bengali?Do they Even know that Kamrupa Got those Areas after Bhaskarvarman Burnt Down Karnasurvana The Capital Of Gauda?Just because Kamrupis were ruling Bengal don't make them Bengali period
Common drug usage in India (statewise) - Northeast 💀📈
Who is who? The three pictures below are of a Meitei, Naga and Mizo. Give reasons for your choice. #guess_the_ethnicity.
Let’s play see if we can really distinguish which ethnicity is which in NE. The pictures are of a Naga, Meitei and Mizo. Can anyone confidently determine who is who. Give reasons if you can.
National Games 25
What is the real history of Kayastha Community?
How Common is eating Milk products in Northeast India?
DNA ancestry map of India