Retirement Calculator Web Calculator - Update 3
FatFIRE is not really possible in India using high equity allocation
Retirement Corpus Free Web Calculator - Update
FIRE Tool - Web Calculator (New moderator, please moderate u/HubeanMan )
FAT FIRE? Experts in the house please!
Total corpus needed for retirement in India? Calculator here
How much do I need for post retirement life of 45 years?
35M NW - 15Cr. Planning to move back to India in the next year.
Sub's Profiling on Networth - 3.2%+ voted
Retirement calculator for Bangalore
Can a NRI return to India and retire comfortably with a $1 Million dollars?
Are We on the Right Track for FIRE with a Legacy Goal?
Fire check and need advise
Whats your current net worth? Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities, add all assets Real Estate, house, Gold etc and all liabilities including debt/loan etc
Am I financially ready to pull the trigger for RE?
Bangalore is a completely different city than we think it is. Moved to Padmanabhanagar from Varthur recently and now I am in complete cultural and societal shock.
How much money is it okay to leave on the table when planning retirement ?
I (46M) think I am ready to retire. Seeing opinions please.
Definition of FatFire in India
Fire and Excel Models
FIRE and Excel Models
How about 1% as perpetual withdrawal rate?
Education Corpus - How many Crores !?
Help me understand different buckets after retirement