Pheeling praud Endian moment , বল বল বল সবে শত বীণা-বেণু-রবে ভারত আবার জগৎ সভায় শ্রেষ্ট আসন লবে
🫵 people.
Is that true?
That’s how things should be! And English should be the alternative language that we know as well! Your opinion?
Has it been confirmed yet that these ShivLinga like sculptures excavated from Indus Valley sites represent early Shiva worships
Is Ramayana and Mahabharat complete friction ? or it has some reality which is fabricated in the texts?
Jishankar fans hit like 💪💪👇👇🗣️🗣️🙏🙏
If Bangladesh or China were to invade Northeast India, would you be prepared to wage a war to reclaim defend your homeland?
War would have ended if it weren't for cheap oil 😍
Chinese social media campaign
The absolute lack civic sense is insane, NE Indians take notes - when you're outside the country, you're not just representing yourself but your whole community. How you behave shapes how people perceive all of us
man bathes and washes his ass in public swimming pool
What do Russians think about the recent meeting(argument) between Trump and Zelensky in Oval office ?
After seeing the recent meeting between Zelensky and Trump , we can really understand how much trustable america really is . Now it looks like china may go for taiwan invasion next . How do you think such scenario will affect India .
If Bangladesh or China were to invade Northeast India/Assam would you be prepared to wage a war to reclaim defend your homeland?
Don't really want to create a ruckus in the sub. But I think we got our first victim in NE.
After seeing the recent meeting between Trump and Zelensky, do you still trust America to save Taiwan from invasion?
After seeing the recent meeting between Trump and Zelensky, do you still trust America to save Taiwan from a Chinese invasion?
Vegetarian or Non vegetarian
how is it like to grow up outside of Ulaanbaatar ?
a little appreciation post .
What’s your most embarrassing NSFW moment? Share your horror stories!
is it just me or I feel like some people are being too insecure about language impostition stuff ?
yogi adhityanath instagram edits 🔥🔥.
Why so many "CHAPRIS" in delhi especially nearby tourist places .